Learn from others' mistakes

Improve your language skills by learning from how we corrected others.

How are you? I hope everything is okay. I am reaching you with the direction of Levent Gokyilmaz. On March 19, 2021, we opened our federal incorporation company and we are actively operating our company's account through our RBC Business bank account. We sell on Amazon America. American wholesalers .....

بمناسبة هذا اليومالعيد الوطني الذي تحتفل به النرويج في 17 ماي الذي اصبحمايو والذي أصبح يمثل لنا شيء عظيم
نطمح دائما لي تقرب اكثر
حدثًا مهمّا، يشرفنا ويسعدنا أن نخبركم عن طموحنا إلى التقرب أكثر من هذا المجتمع النرويجي الذي مرة فيهنراه المثل للاعلىالأعلى في كل الميادين.
ارتقينا ان نكونإرتأينا تكوين جمعية الصداقة والتعاون بين الجزائر والنرويج
ننهدف من خلالها إلى فتح قنوات مباشره للتباد.....

في الآونة الأخيرةالأخيرة، تعددت زياراتي إلى لبنان و سوريا و كنت شاهداً على حال كِلا البلدين و حال الشعبين في المنطقة، أؤكد لكم بأن سوريا التي عانت من حروب قاسية لمدة عشر سنوات و ما يقارب الشهرين ما زالت و ستبقى أفضل بأشواط من بلدي لبنان،لبنان. لبنان في حال يرثى لها و السبب الأول و الأخير يعود إلى قياديي السلطة و.....

ريم المرزوقي مهندسة امارتيةإمارتية متميزة ومجتهدة ,ومجتهدة، هي اول امرأة امارتيةأول إمرأة إمارتية تحصل على براءة اختراع من الولايات المتحدة الأميريكية. , حصلت على براءة اختراع في صناعتها الى سيارة يمكن قيادنها بالقدم فقط منقيادتها بالقدمين فقط، دون استخدامإستخدام اليدين اوأو حتى المقود .

ريم المرزوقي صنعت المستحيل
لانهالأنها تمكنت من اخذأخذ براءة اختراع لانهالأنها صنعت شيءشيئا .....

اسمإسم البرنامج : حديث القاهرة .
القالب : حديث مباشر بالإضافة
إليإلى مقابلة تليفزيونية (في الاستديو) الأستديو).
التاريخ : الثاني من أبريل من عام ٢٠٢١
اليوم : يوم الجمعة
مدة الحلقة : ساعة و٣٢ دقيقة و ١١ ثانية
ساعة العرض : التاسعة مساءً
اسمإسم قناة العرض : القاهرة والناس .
مقدم البرنامج : إبراهيم عيسى
الضيوف :
تمتمت .....

Hi Azman,
Thank you for your previous email. I would love to join you
. I think we shall ask Aiman and Hafiz to come along with us . They have been to jungle trekking for many times, spso they have a lot of experience . They are in the boy scoutscouts, so of course they love adventuresadventurous activity . B.....

Corpus Christi Medical Center - Parallon/HCA Healthcare
Patient Access
Manager-Manager, March 2019- Current2019–Current
 Model Modeled AIDET guidelines in all interactions with the patient and ensured staff adheringadhered to the patient experience expectation. Responsbile for conducting daily, monthly, and quarterly audits on regi.....

Hi, I’m Jino.

I’m the organizer of a group called the Product World in Korea.

Every two weeks, we research global startups to acquire knowledge
aon each market’s enviromentenvironment, trandtrends, and understand the business.

weWe use slackSlack as a tool forto communicate and also discuss, based on our business research.....

In my life I’ve never felt that bad, empty &and broken.
I'm not okay with how things are now and I can’t pretend anymore that it doesn't hurt me
The truth is,
It'sit's killing me alive.
I know I’ve made mistakes and I do regret it
I miss how
it was, being close to some people to whowhom I'm sure I mea.....

Grapefruit juice has an essential aroma and volatile compounds in Citruscitrus paradisi (Shamber). theThe study was measured the 64 important volatile compounds withwhere separation of chemical profiling of compounds was performed and ten major ten taste and flavor aroma compounds in the juice of grapefruit was first timefirstly.....

Lockdown: a strict curfew in Iraq implemented, and it continues for 10 days.

In order to curb the outbreak of coronavirus, Iraq Governorate imposed a strict curfew after last midnight, it implemented
, and it is continuous until 22ththe 22nd of this month.
At the same time, the Ministry of Inte

Once a week Connell goes to Marianne’s house to drive his mother home, Lorraine, who works as a cleaning lady at Marianne's house. In spite of the difference, there is a sort of friendship between them. While Connell waited for his mother to end her job, he was alone with Marianne in the kitchen and.....


Weißt du, dass ich zu Weihnachten in Deutschland war?

Ich habe meine Freundin Sarah in Berlin besucht. Es war wunderschön!

Ich übernachtete in Sarahs Haus. Am Weihnachten hat es ein großes Festessen gegeben.
AnAuf dem Tisch waren eine Weihnachtsgans, Obst, Gemüse, WeichnachtssalatenWeihnachtssalate, Würstc.....

Hallo, Martin!

Weißt du, dass ich seit einem Monat Tagebuch schreibe?

Ich habe die Idee
vonin einem YouTube VideoYouTube-Video gefunden. Ich bereue es nicht! Es ist sehr beruhigend!

Auf die erste Seite habe ich meine Ziele geschrieben. Ich habe sie auch
ausschmückteausgeschmückt, um sie zu

hervorzuheben. Die nächsteAuf den nächsten zw.....

Top 5 CRYPTO ASSETS with HIGHEST Performance

The Top 5 Crypto Assets is a special series that discloses the highest returns during a week. The information is extracted from public websites considering only the Top 200 crypto assets in market capitalization.

investingInvesting money in crypto assets?


Dear client,
We would like to apologize for the mistake on sending the e-mail about the service evaluation and also for the delay
onin passing on the quote. It is usual for the company to anwseranswer quotations within a short-term period. However, taking ininto account that SolupartSoluparts is dealing with a high d.....

Dear client,
We would like to apologize for the mistake
onin sending the e-mail about the service evaluation and also for the delay onin passing the quote. It is usual for the company to anwseranswer quotations within a short-term period. However, taking ininto account that Solupart is dealing with a high deman.....

American Alligatorsalligators are significant individuals from their environment and are viewed as cornerstone species. Numerous species are influenced by their reality. Youthful crocodiles are prey for swimming birds, turtles, snakes, well-evolved species, and bigger alligators. Alligators, moremeasuring more th.....

Primary Groupsgroups are groups united by strong emotional bonds, like family members. meanwhileMeanwhile secondary groups are those groups which an individual joins voluntarily. There isare a lot of differencedifferences between these two groups. In the same way, we also react to a crisis in the primary group differently com.....

* actively follow the entire publication process;
* submission of abstracts and manuscripts and post-submission follow-up of status;
* initial check of pre-publication galley proofs and poster layout;
* ensured alignment between Client’s Publication Plans (global and local);
* performed quality cont

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