Common mistakes in English

За последние несколько лет, мы исправили миллионы слов в обработаных текстах. Здесь мы представляем список наиболее часто встречающихся ошибок. Слова в верхней части списка мы исправляли чаще всего. Не все исправления представлены здесь из соображений приватности.

Позиция До После
#351 it there
#352 give gave
#353 anyway any way
#354 show shows
#355 whom who
#356 notice noticed
#357 much many
#358 the these
#359 that than
#360 decision decisions
#361 others other
#362 love loved
#363 who whom
#364 patient patients
#365 I I'll
#366 know knows
#367 if of
#368 times time
#369 feeling feelings
#370 explain explained
#371 give gives
#372 take takes
#373 from on
#374 level levels
#375 learn learned
#376 me my
#377 makes make
#378 what which
#379 to will
#380 find finds
#381 see seeing
#382 concern concerns
#383 client clients
#384 in is
#385 his the
#386 planing planning
#387 get getting
#388 awhile a while
#389 was am
#390 thought thoughts
#391 face to face face-to-face
#392 kind kinds
#393 it's its
#394 your their
#395 and the
#396 students students'
#397 is will be
#398 employee employees
#399 he the
#400 your you are

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