Common mistakes in English

За последние несколько лет, мы исправили миллионы слов в обработаных текстах. Здесь мы представляем список наиболее часто встречающихся ошибок. Слова в верхней части списка мы исправляли чаще всего. Не все исправления представлены здесь из соображений приватности.

Позиция До После
#451 can may
#452 having have
#453 myself me
#454 not able unable
#455 l I
#456 will can
#457 as well as and
#458 replay reply
#459 with about
#460 I have I
#461 I’ve I
#462 hour hours
#463 look looking
#464 solution solutions
#465 its the
#466 seen saw
#467 experiences experience
#468 would could
#469 of at
#470 been being
#471 by through
#472 on in the
#473 and which
#474 Ive I've
#475 week week's
#476 Is It is
#477 team teams
#478 look looks
#479 though thought
#480 so and
#481 would be is
#482 meet meeting
#483 was has been
#484 group groups
#485 me I
#486 start starts
#487 at from
#488 has was
#489 Let Let's
#490 advise advice
#491 of the
#492 part time part-time
#493 they there
#494 used use
#495 any a
#496 some a
#497 finish finished
#498 will be are
#499 nothing anything
#500 expectation expectations

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