Hi Dr Rola,

It was a pleasure talking to you yesterday.

As promised
, I am sending you a few points that we discussed in the meeting to share with ZVH team:

Social media content: The social media content can be improved based on ZVH requirements. With the support of ZVH, we can create lifestyle video content, showing the hospital's patient, Dr. getting ready for surgeries
, etc.
Social media boosting: even though the main objective of the social media ads is not to increase sales and generate leads, a boosting strategy is important to any business at each and every stage. boosting help in:
reachingReaching new markets.
targetingTargeting new segments of audience.
increasingIncreasing brand awareness
Growing the organization's following base
Increasing profile visits.
xxx the market competitors
Social media ad spend:
weWe recommend starting with 800 per month and adjust the budget accordingly after x months.
Number of posts: Decrease the number of posts from 5 to 2-3 per week with the main focus on the main services.
Promotion strategy (discounts - contest - giveaways)
Studies show that 80% of customers are motivated to make their first purchase with a new brand if they have a coupon or discount. We recommend offering - for a limited time every month x% discount, free checkups on a specific day, or creating a contest (tag a friend and win a xx service)
. theseThese kinds of promotions will increase engagement and the number of followers on the social media platforms.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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