During Eisenhower’s presidency, he took outused several different methods to improve the US economy. After TrumanTruman's ‘converting’ America from a Wartime to a Peacetime economy, America was at a more stable rate than it was during the war, but it still wasn’t completely stable, and so he sought to gain more economic stability.
Under his presidency, he ruled out any government organised health insurance, and refused tax cuts, and through this, during his
8eight years in the office, the economy grew around 2.4% each year, and this never caused a negative impact on the economy. Eisenhower often defended capitalism from criticism, and he favoured ‘anti-trust’ laws, which in favour helped small businesses, which would have caused small business owners to begin to favour Eisenhower as a person much more, as he was aiding them. Anti-trust laws were implemented to control and therefore limit the market power of individual organisations, which avoided monopolies from developing. If a monopoly were to occur, then that would ruin small businesses in return.
Although the unemployment rate increased from 2.6% to 6.6% during his time in office, this was due to the recession that was happening towards the end. The
reasonreasons for this happening was due ofwere many reasons, such as people deciding to keep their new cars for longer, instead of upgrading, and interest rates were heightened. This recession was dubbed the ‘Eisenhower Recession’, and whilst it only lasted 8eight months, it still had quite a high impact.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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