I Lovelove reading the book Itbooks; it is one of my favourite free time activity Ipastimes. I have read many books in English, franch arabic howeverFrench, and Arabic. However, the best book I have read it it was the boxis The Box of wonders it isWonders, an autobiographyautobiographical novel written by Ahmad sefriwi who is a Moroccan novelist
This novel wasAhmad Sefrioui and published in 1954.
The boxBox of wondersWonders revolves around the memories of the narrator. he emembersHe recalls his lonely childhood and his relationships with his family and his relationships with his family and his neighbors. theThe novel also showsdepicts the king of passion and love, and the drama of life at the time in Morocco.
For me , this book is amazing for many reasons, and it is the best book I have read it.
This novel was