Hello parents,

Today we had a fun day
, the. The children worked on their letter “F”, Robin read books to them and helped them recognize the FFF sound.
Today we closed the cycle of “show and tell”
, at. At this point, the children are very comfortable and they are present when someone is talking, they ask meaningful questions without repeating after another friend. Moving forward , “Show and tell” might take place once or twice a week. Tomorrow, the children may bring an item from home that starts with the letter “F”.

On a different note, we also practiced writing some numbers, today we reviewed 1 and 2 for handwriting.

Our question of the day was:

What is a calendar?

Jax: It is where you write some things.
Melanie: It is where you put stickers.
Ross: It is where you see when it’s your birthday!
Clara: You write there so you don’t forget.
It is where you see the days.
Adam: You can see numbers!
You can see the months and days.

I think we had good answers to discover the meaning of time so the children can actually understand a calendar, because I think reciting the days and months accurately does not mean that they understand, our intention is not impressed by a false positive performance through memorization.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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