Hi Steve,

I have multiple dependencies on reporting for our 4 websites as follows:

1. AZ Essentials and AZ experience library: I have some more unanswered questions and queries with regards to the analytics tool, and I am working closely with Mansoor to set up a consultation time with the analytics team to clarify these questions.

2. TechCheck: According to Lynn, the reporting dashboard is still under development, so I cannot generate reports at this time.

3. Veeva Vault Promomats: I am still waiting for my reporting access
, and once I get it, I will schedule some time to talk with Veeva Vault team about their reporting.

I will need more time to create a reporting dashboard based on these factors. Additionally, it will be helpful if you could review the following points and let me know if there are any additional metrics we should include.

Thanks and regards,

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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