Since its independence in 1960, Madagascar has had four republics, under the rule of disparate political regimes, undermined by macroeconomic damage, burdened by opacity in the management of state affairs, corruption and nepotism. These grievances formed a bundle of alibis endorsing their rejection by peoples exhausted from having ingenuously endured the wrongs at the expense of their vital interests. The outcome registered to this effect, shows a profusely patient impact at risk, validating their petition towards an inclusive and sustainable development. The systemic approach is par excellence, the ideal panacea to unblock these impasses, given its functionality verymuch used in the sphere of management of public organizations, reconciling the interference of actors, resources and innovative activities. Relying on human capital as an essential factor of economic growth, its strategic axis pivots on the deployment of economic foundations and the resolution of situations resilient to any evolution. It mortgages the logical coherence of the systems gravitating around the appropriate and rational palliatives. Thus, this article offers a window of opportunity for a factual and objective analysis of public organizations. It shows in what way and on what basis this approach constitutes an asset for rehabilitating Madagascar through a set of congruent and compatible directives.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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