MorningGood morning Cristian ,

As per our
perviousprevious conversations we spoke about Gotham HealthHealth's upcoming back to school outreach events., I would love for Bronxworks ( you ) 😊😊) to attend our back to school events in the Bronx. The first date would beis July 28th at our Belvis location, which is at 545 eastEast 142nd Street, Bronx, NY . The theme for our event is “ Patient Appreciation Day,which wouldand will consist of school supplies distribution along with items to prepare families for these hot summer days. Mayor De Blasio is set to attend this Communitycommunity outreach event as well, along with the press. , ifIf you haveknow of any other community based organizationorganizations that would lovelike to attend and promote their services, please feel free to pass along their contact information and I wouldwill gladly send out an invite.

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