hiHi, my name is hossamHossam. I am 22 years old.
iI came from shubrakhet elbheraShubrakhet Elbhera.
I'm a student at
I'm a big fan of anime
; I watch three episodes aevery day.
I have a healthy lifestyle
. I am workingwork out five days a week and eat healthy food. I banned sugar for nine-monthnine-months.
I have a lot of things to do in my free time
. I like to drawing and read I read in history a lot of the time I like to knowreading about the history.
studyingstudied drawing online for about two months online, studyingand calligraphy for three years and. I know a little bit about astronomy.
I like to read
pomepoems. I read a lot of Arabic poetry I only watched one. The only English play king lear's playI've seen is King Lear by William Shakespeare.
I watch a lot of
moviemovies and series.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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