This bar chart comprises of the production and consumption of electricity in the top ten countries in 2014. It is clear from the graph that, electricity production overis greater than consumption in all countries.
According to what is shown, China and
the United States, had a whole quantity of production and consumption more than the rest. However, China ranked the first classification ofin most productive and consuming compared to the United States,; to illustrate, the difference between these two countries is nearly about 1,000 billion in output and 2,000 billion in exhaustion.
But in Japan, India and Canada
alsoand also France and Brazil the output and consumption gradually grew respectively from Brazil to Japan. On anotherthe other hand in Russia and Korea, Repthe Republic of Korea the consumption proportion approximates the same ratio of productivity but in Germany the consumption exceeds production.
To sum up, we could say that
, the highest city is Russia among it and the rest of the cities below it until we gradually reach Korea. When comparing Russia with the highest city between China and America, we find that China has a difference in production between it and Russia of 4,000 billion, while consumption differs by nearly about 4,000 billion.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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