Dear client,
We would like to apologize for the mistake on sending the e-mail about the service evaluation and also for the delay
onin passing on the quote. It is usual for the company to anwseranswer quotations within a short-term period. However, taking ininto account that SolupartSoluparts is dealing with a high demand period combined with a remote working hours team, we suffredsuffered from a little delay on answering the clients. The situation, however, is already being dealt with. Furthermore, in this e-mail you will find attached the required quotation, and we would like to stress that we are at your disposal to any service and to solve any question that may come up further later.
We appreciate the preferency and
watiwait for your response.

Luiz Gustavo Guimarães
Operations team - Soluparts

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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