As a form of distance education, online learning is an educational method that takes place over the Internet. asAs a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, distance education became commonplacehas now become common. BecauseOut of these conditionsnecessity, online teaching and learning has played a critical role in early childhood education initiatives, despite ongoing concerns on whether or not extended exposure to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is advantageous for young children (ICT).
This descriptive
reportsreport shows how an early childhood education pre-service teacher education course was re-designedredesigned to give student teachers the opportunity to learn and teach online, it. It describes the three phases of the online student teachers' experiences – Preparation, Implementation, and Reflection. This report also explains that how online education has been beneficial and, what its limitations are and how different countries are conducting their online classes.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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