Dear Mrs. Eman ,

weWe trust our email finds you well and wish you a very happy Ramadan.

We write to you today to
showshare our concernconcerns regarding the attendance of Mrs. As per the attached historical attendance sheet, effective from 01/01/2021 until 15/007/2021 15/07/2021, you will find the following :

Description Number of occasions
Absent Days 38
Miss in 39
Miss out 2

Beside the
datedata mentioned onin the above table , you have toplease take into your consideration the late in &and late out hours as well .

In view of the above
, kindly note that we used to freezefreeze the employee’s salary in such similarsimilar incidents andto investigate the reasons offor absence toand decide eitherwhether to warn , deduct , or terminate the employee as peraccording to the investigation’sinvestigation result , company policy , and Kuwait labor law accordingly .

needseek your advice regarding the above .



The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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