Hi Bharti Mam,

I hope you and your family are doing well.

This is the first time in 4+ years of mine in 1ICT that I am writing this email to you directly
, as I have some doubts and fear regarding this yearsyear's appraisal.

As we all know
that, last year was very difficult for all of us, which affected our career and financial growth.
Another financial year is to end now
, and I haven't heard any formal communications made so far regarding the appraisal /employee review, which has again raised so many doubts.

Last year we were promised that we will be getting appraisals
, but due to COVID19 it was finally called off in September .It has been already been 2 years that I have been working on the same salary, which is affecting my moralmorale in a really bad mannerway, and it's really hard for me to manage my personal and family affairs.

Last Thursday I received the email from payroll
, and when I enquired about this yearsyear's appraisal, I got know thatlearned that we will be getting the increments in July as per ASG norms, just like last year, and I am still in fear that it wouldn't be the same as last year.

RequestingI am requesting to clearhave my doubts cleared regarding this yearsyear's appraisals.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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