When Hassan has been looking for Amir’s dragon that feltfell down, the Assef and his crew started to follow him, without Hassan knowing. The dragon ended up in an impasse. After Hassan found the kite, the crew has encircled him. The leader, Assef, said, "You’re not as brave as you were with a slingshot, heh? I want to forgive you, but everything has its price. We don’t want to hurt you, but just in the condition that you will give us the dragon. Fair deal, isn’t it?" Hassan was under a pressure, but he values Amir so much that he won’t ever do that,. “He is my friend, and therefore this dragon won’t be yours”, Hassan said. LeaderThe leader of the crew began to lose his temper,. “Last chance to give us athe dragon, or something worse is going to happen.” Hassan didn't answer. Hassan was so faithful to Amir that he would have sacrificed his life for him. “Okay, you have chosen this option. Feel free to keep the kite.” Assef said and unzipped his pants. Suddenly, however, Amir appeared and said. “He doesn’t have a slingshot, right? True words, but I have” “Heyhave. Hey, calm down. I won’t be defeated by your awkward slingshot for a second time. I bet you don't even know how to use it. “DoDo you think so? Okay, so I'll show you what it means not to be able to use a slingshot.” Amir said, pulling a stone out of his pocket. “Oh come on. Are you really doing this for your servant Hassan? After all, if your father didn't pay him, he wouldn't even look at you.” “I'll shoot you! I mean it!” “You know what, guys? Let's get out of this place. This doesn't look good.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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