Hi guys, my name is Idan, and I want to share with you my story. I have always had a love for training. I always wanted to be successful and feel strong and in control, but then the situation started to deteriorate when I went out withto a club with friends and then it. It all started two years ago, on 06/02/2019. I graduated and enlisted in the army. duringDuring my service Myin the military, I had an accident with a motorcycle. untilUntil then, I had felt thethat the sky iswas the limit, and I was above everyone. itI never got tired. I allowed myself to do everything: drink, smoke, go beatingsdancing, start meeting up with girls. I did not care about anything. I thought that you only live once, so everything iswas allowed. I neglected my body and myself, and I hurt the people Whowho really loved me and suddenly. Suddenly, one day everything turned upside down so. I had a frontal accident, and I flew and broke my leg. I got to the hospital, where they anesthetized and respirated me. They put me in an operating room and put me oninserted a platinum leg with screws. andThey told me there could be 50 percent chance I would not recover, and a 50 percent toldthat I would. They told me to quit smoking and do Lotslots of physiotherapy. everyEvery day, I begged God to help and give me strength to deal with time forthis situation. After a year of pain, I started exercising and strengthening my whole body and becoming what you are going to see.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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