Hi ! Today we are going to talk about fake news that are spredingis spreading about subjects such as the covid-19Covid-19. We’ve heard all sorts of thing; for instance, conspiracy theories. People
have said that China created the virus and spread it accidentlyaccidentally or even intentionally, people. People are
making up stories about how the virus spreads. According to them, there areis news from the
government that areis not public and you should trust them for sure because they have a cousin who knows someone who knows someone who gets access to such things. We mostly find themthis fake news on social media; for example, twitterTwitter or instagramInstagram. News on thosesthose platforms spreadspreads really quickly.
So that’s why we need to clarify some things. There
areis reliable information and there areis some information that areis not reliable. Let’s not be naive, when. When you see a newnews, consider the source, check the date, your biases, etc. If they’reit's not confirmed by any reliable source, such as thea journal on tvor TV channels or a famous magazine, don’t fall into the trap ! It’s certainly fake !
I’m going to give you an example of a different situation
but that’sthat is still is a fake newnews. When I was younger, my mom used to tell me to never go out after I took a shower or I’ll beget seriously sick. That’s not true at all, but people arewere saying that for a generation. My grand mother told my mom, who told me, etc. ItIt's scientifically prouved that’sproven to be wrong, but they still believe in it. Fake news can also spread with people talkingtalk for many years but you still need to check ifwhether it’s true.

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