3- Second, buses are cheap, as you can travel from a city to another one with only ten Saudi Riyadh. On the other hand, they are slow and don’t save time. For example, you can travel from Jeddah to MaddinaMedina in six hours.
thirdThird, cars are very suitable if you move inwithin the same city or if you travel to a nearnearby city from you. Cars are very nice if you have a family, as they help you to move from aone place to another and go to work easily , but the big problem is accidents.
5- Finally
, everyone use his meanuses the means of transport best for him, according to the distance and the cost.
For example, planes are the fastest means of
transportstransport. Cars are the easiest means of transport . For me , I enjoy travelling by cars.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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