Nowadays, in teaching englishEnglish as a foreign language their there is always a world wideworld-wide demand for good teacherteachers, as it's nesesarynecessary for schools recogniseto be recognised by organisations such as the British counsil therefore lessCouncil. Therefore, fewer schools employare employing teachers without proper qualifications asand as a result, more people takepeople are taking a TEFlTEFL course to gain an initalinitial qualification. theThe most popular is the celta theCelta. The course is combining Theorycombines theory and practical activitys and the difrentactivities. The different sessions cover how to teach vocabularies pronounciation liseningvocabulary, pronunciation, listening, and writting celtawriting. Celta is not a grammergrammar course, so it's realy usefullreally useful to know basic terminology such as sentance: sentence, clause, infinativeinfinitive and participal everyparticiple. Every trainee havehas to work closeclosely with there colleguestheir colleagues in order to plan theretheir lessons, prepaire excercises prepare exercises and show they can develope raportdevelop a rapport when givegiving clear explainations do repititionexplanations, doing repetition drills and corectcorrecting mistakes. during theyreDuring their teaching they get an opertunityopportunity to practice on volunteer students; althought ocassionalyalthough occasionally a lesson may be unsucesful butunsuccessful, they mustn't be to dissapointed howevertoo disappointed. However, although the course is demanding it helps definatelydefinitely helps trainees to become more confidant independantconfident, independent and profesional and the mostprofessional. Most people tellsay they would of went onhave done the course sonnersooner if they knewhad known about it.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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