Born and raised in the southernSouthern China, I spent most of my life in a port city besides the South China Sea. It is also a newly built city with a history of 30 years that connects Hong Kong and mainland China. It’s a city full of “immigrants” from all over the country, and I lived there for 20 years before I came to the US for college, where everything, including painting, suddenly became a new thing that is yet to be experienced.

, I’m always in a gap, and some times even multiples gaps: I linger between Hong Kong and the Maindland;, between the young city where I grew up, and a very old country;, between two different countries and two different cultures. My paintings, almost unavoidably, focus on the loss, confusion, and the dilemma of being between a rock and a hard place. Fragmented figures and abstract shapes that meet and pull away from each other are things that appear repeatedly in my paintings. They are isolated, rootless, fragile and almost photophobic.

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