Good morningMorning,

, I take a 2-3 month Leavetwo- or three-month leave of Absence ?absence? FMLA, has approved 200 hrshours, but I am needing the love of my Immediateimmediate family during this process.

On February 28, 2020, I spoke with Bethany while having uncontrollable emotions, and unable to pull myself out of it
, I went home. After arriving home angry and disappointed at myself for allowing these breakdown'sbreakdowns, I decided to speak with a Certified Grief Therapist. Right now, I need a one on oneone-on-one therapist.

I ACCEPT God's will, and I know that
heHe will bring me through this, but I am struggling with the memories of Joseph's last days on Earth, with his family.
, on 2/5/20, while en route to work, my car started making wierdweird sounds, and I couldn't call. I broke down, because it seems likeas if everything is going wrong, and I can't catch a break. I want, need, and enjoy my job, and I am trying, with God's help, to get it together, but these trigger'striggers won't give me any peace.

I really appreciate ALL the
Lovelove and Support,support that everyone has shown me, upon my return to work, but I need to be around my family so I can heelheal.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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