Personal Statements
1 : Why do you want to join the Pan-Africa Youth Leadership program?
Answer here
I want to join the
pan-Africa youth leadershipPan-Africa Youth Leadership program to reveal what I have been Learninglearning since 2017 and, to share my experience forexperiences with students who come from different countrycountries and to learn from their experienceexperiences as well.
Additionally, I want to meet people who
camecome from other placeplaces and to know their culture and so on thiscultures. This all is whatwhy I want to join the pan- Africa youth leadershipPan-Africa Youth Leadership program.

: Describe a time you have demonstrated your leadership ability in your school or community.
Answer here
This year Inin our schools and in our community we have different clubclubs such as HIV club and piecepeace from club.
I am working by participating in different clubs forin our school and forin our community as well.

: You will be learning about community service from PAYLP and you will be asked to carry-out a community service project when you get home. What kind of community project are you interested in doing and why?
Answer here
I am interesting to createin creating a charity Organizationorganization in our country because my father is working inworks in a charity organization and I want to be like my father.
In his work, he is helping different culdrenchildren that do not have family speciallyfamilies. In particular, I want to help poor people in our area there areand different elderelders who do not have any relative liverelatives living in our country. I want to help them bythrough different things .

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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