November 7, 2019
I was posted up near the southside crosswalk at lunchtimeApproximatelylunchtime, approximately 12:10 PM, on campus 6, and I noticed a student out sideoutside the fence of the campus on the church street side And was returning back onto the campus.

Campus 6 and I (Campus 13
I made contact with the student and we Advised Studentadvised the student that he was not allowed to leave the campus. I asked the student if there’sthere was anything in his backpack that shouldn’t be in his backpack. The student responded yes.

We proceeded to look
ininside the backpack and he kept stating that it was just McDonald’s and there. There was a McDonald’s bag in there, but I was concerned that there might be something else that might be in the backpack for officer safety reasons. I held onto the backpack .

asAs I was taking the student inup to the golf cart up tooffice in the officegolf cart, the student decided to jump out of the golf cart as it was moving at that time and. I asked him to get back in the cart, and he said that he was going to walk to the office.

I proceeded it to follow him


He was getting agitated
and started Verbalee abusingto verbally abuse me. He turned around and kickkicked the front of the golf car cart. I stopped the golf cart and the student kept yelling he want. He wanted his backpack and I told him no. heHe kept grabbing at It we struggleit. We struggled with the backpack a few times, and I got out of the golf cart. StudentThe student threatened me with violence, saying that he was going to fight me . I stood up from the golf cart, and then Beganhe began to attack me, trying to take away the backpack and I called for Assistantassistance from the security and Advisedadvised that I was in aan altercation with thea student .

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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