Society as a whole expects success. A typical belief of success is graduating college and obtaining a prosperous career. How do I get there? While growing up, school has been a main priority. Graduating highschool and college are both imperative. Formerly as a junior, I earned both eleventheleventh- and twelfth gradetwelfth-grade credits. While excelling daily academically, my fall when it came to passing ISTEP caused a major setback. Although the disappointment from not graduating early did lead to a delay, it did not leavecause behind discouragement. This obstacle is proof of my motivation to proceed in graduating high school, going to college, and receiving my PHD to become a Pediatricianpediatrician.

Whether it's having a cold, breaking a leg, or just another regular
six month check-upsix-month checkup, there is always a child in need of proper care and attention. Helping others is an important lesson to grasp, even at a young age. Seeking an opportunity to help individuals is something that I am very passionate overabout. Being a pediatrician would not only give me the opportunity to lend a helping hand, but to provide care to those in harm's way. In order to pursue this profession, college is nonot an option. The standard obligations for becoming a pediatrician take up to thirteen plus years post high school. In spite of the many years required, completing school successfully will be my long termlong-term goal. Going intoto college, I know that this journey may be like no other. With perseverance, I am prepared for unexpected highs and lows. MeMy knowing that I am capable of nothing but achievements will allow me to conquer any obstacles that stand in my way.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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