Hi Neil,
I just read about your Bonfire of the
brand'sBrands project have to tell you that I agree with your view on this topic. Brands have become pervasive in our daily lives, and it worries me that our children are influenced by them from an early age on. It is sad to hear that society has reached a point where achieving happiness and success is linked to purchasepurchases. Therefore, I am convinced that we should raise awareness in our communities, and value people through their actions and deeds, and not by the brandbrands they wear.

I wholeheartedly support your view on
brand’sbrands, because I see that the negative aspects of this limitless consumerism outweigh the positive ones. It leads to low self-esteem, and depression, and is accompanied by melancholy. As I see it, brands want us to believe that the only way to gain a good reputation is through buying their articles, causebecause apparently, a shoe can tell so much about a person's character.

If you ask me, I think brands will prevail for a long time and our society will continue promoting and supporting
brand’sbrands due to their economic influence, which they certainly have, and because of the urge of manpeople to feel superior to others, may this be achievedand trying to achieve this through brands, power, or wealth. Of course, the future is unpredictable and can take unexpected turns, hence brands could lose their influence on us and maybe then money would not define who we are.

Thank you for getting everyone thinking about this important topic, Neil – keep on doing
the good! work!

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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