The Centre for Understanding and Institutional Cooperation (CUIC) is organizing the publication of the eleventh edition of the international scientific journal CENTRUM with IMPACT FACTOR and International Editorial board.
We are honored to invite you to send your scientific work for publication in this issue of the international journal CENTRUM, published by the Centre for Understanding and Institutional Cooperation.
The International Journal CENTRUM is based on the Law on Higher Education of Macedonia, and is registered in the National University Library of Macedonia “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Skopje, with ISSN number ISSN: 1857-8640 (printed version), 1857-9396 (electronic version), with UDC number of the journal UDC: 3 (497.7:4-672EU). The journal is indexed in:
Google scholar
Root Impact Factor
Global Impact Factor
International Society of Indexing Impact Factor
University Journals
ICI World of Journals Copernicus

The journal is
otherwise thea periodical publication of two volumes in aper calendar year.

In the journal,
there will be published thethe following types of items will be published: scientific papers, professional papers, presentations, interviews, reviews, in-memoriam, news, events, and professional scientific literature.

Within the fields of the CUIC, the international review-journal will carry out its proceedings in the following areas:

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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