I had the most terrifying experience in my life a year ago when I traveled to Egypt.
When I got there, I had no one to come to
get me from the airport because I did not know anyone in Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt. So, I had to go to the airport tourism office and askedask them to find my place of residence at the Sharm El Sheikhel-Sheikh resorts. I waited for a few minutes until I found the placelocation of the resort. Finally, I took my luggage and got a taxi to go there and when I arrived at the tourist resort, I was amazed at the beauty of the place in front of the Red Sea.

When I entered the resort to confirm my reservation for the room
youI chose. The, the receptionist asked me to give my passport only for confirmation. I searched for my passport in my bag. Then, then I realized that I had lost my personal belongings and £ 8,000 in the taxi. So, I had to go to the nearest police station in Sharm el-Sheikh to complain about what had happened. Unfortunately, four days later, I realized that I did notwas unable to find them.

In short, it was a tiring and difficult experience. So, I learned not to neglect my personal possessions anywhere.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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