Dear Aygozel,

intentintend to leverage manpower from RG to carry out ORSA functions for upcoming projects, i.e. GDW, OGT Expansion and GS5B. Additionally, RG has also been assigned as site operational rep in RO rejuvenation and Fire Alarm system upgradationupgrading projects.

Due to these emerging
requirement requirements, TOD has decided the followingsfollowing:
• To re-align RG team’s functional scope and
enhance RG job coverage.
• To
Implementimplement a “28/28 rotational” work regime for RG-ORSA members to ensure continuous presence of an operation rep aton site during project execution and acceptance.

in-linein line with the project schedule, the RG-ORSA team shall start operation readiness ground work on GDW & OGT Expansion and site supervision and witness critical activities for the RO and Fire Alarm system upgrading project beginning early next year, as indicated in the attached presentation material.

As such, we are looking forward
to your kind support to formalize and issue a work regime change order to the attached RG-ORSA crew the earliestas soon as possible. The rotation shall start effective 2nd January 2019.

Thank you

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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