Dear Professor Salvatore Bancheri,
By way of introduction, my name is Matteo Leta and I am a PhD student enrolled at the Sorbonne University and at the University of Calabria (Università della Calabria) with a thesis under the direction of Professor Frank Lestringant and of Professor Nuccio Ordine. My research is about the character of the charlatan in the Italian and French Literature of the XVI century. I would beam extremely interested in applying for the postdoctoral fellowship in Italian Studies of the University of Toronto. I am at the beginning of my third year of PhD studies and I will probably discussdefend my thesis in June or at the beginning of July 2019. I should likewant to ask you if I can apply for the fellowship under reservation.reservation?
I have already had the chance to appreciate the human and material resources of your department during a recent conference (Early modern culture of hospitality, 26/10-27/10) and I think that a period of fellowship in your department will be very useful forbeneficial to my education.
Yours faithfully,
Matteo Leta
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