In spite of these clear positive effects, social media can influence people's lives negatively. Firstly, social media can be an addictive methodaddictive, which means thatand people who are addicted into it may be exposed to ignoreend up ignoring their personal life, lack of concentration,lives and experiencing depression and depressionproblems with concentration. In addition, people who addictedare addicted to social media may feel anxiety, or stress when they are trying to stop using it. Secondly, social media may affect specially the childrenespecially affect the behavior of children. For instance, they may spend all thetheir time chatting, sharing, or just scrolling without doing anything, and that will influence their education level, their social interactioninteractions, and their mental health. Finally, social media can cause health problems such as lack of sleepingsleep. In addition, studies have shown that if a people use social media a lot, that willit can adversely affect their sleep system ''Greater"Greater social media use was significantly associated with disturbed sleep."[1] This is believedThe extent to be because peoplewhich people are affected by social mediain this way depends on how they use itsocial media.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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