Eco therapy boosts mental health. Eco therapy is rising, as more and more professionals are studying how the nourishment of our earth influences the mind and body. It is a free and a drug freedrug-free alternative to the invasion of medicine. Since human beings are part of this natural world, we are nourished by the trees, animals, plants and the sun, as well as the world itself. Studies shown that if you hold moist soil for 20 minutes, the bacteria in the beginsoil begins to elevate your mood, making you feel calm and relaxed. Children that are diagnosed with ADHD who regularly play outside are said to show less symptoms than then children thatthose who stay indoors. I truly believe that eco therapy works, I have. I've had some experiences when I had felt down, mad or out of place whereand I had to take a walk to the park and admire the green trees, beautiful blue sky peppered with white clouds and the nice sensation the the sun hitting my face. I felt truly at home and secure. Eco therapy is on the rise to theas a top cure oftreatment for mental health patients.

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