Learning English as a second language
I was 13 years old when I first moved to the U.S. from India with my parents and my two sisters. My sistersisters and I were very excited to be here in the new country. We did not know the language, culture, or people, except the part where my dad sidedad's side of the family was here. Being here in a new country, it was like a dream for us, because we havehad never gone anywhere outoutside of the countryIndia before. My sister and I loveloved exploring new things and places, so one day we went out with my cousin brother to go see an aquarium and afterward. Afterward, we went to his friends’ houses. Where all people talks in, where everyone was speaking English, and we. We were just there, watching them, because Wewe didn’t speak English, and even thoughalthough we did understand verya little English.
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