Nowadays, many children don’t live in a healthy wmaynner and their choices might cause some problems for them over the time.
It seems that both parents and schools should try together to solve this issue.
There could be many reasons regarding above mentioned problem, and in this article we are going to discuss
the more important ones:
1- Parents lifestyle:
These days
, it could be said that both parents in more than half of the families have to work to afford lifeving expenses. As a result, they have not enough time to spend with their children. Many years ago, there was no need for both parents to go work, and usually mothers stayed home and were able to look after their children, cook food, and so on. But in thprese dantlys, industrialization of the society makes both parents to work more and more to provide better living conditions for themselves and their children.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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