Hi Mom,
I am sorry if calling you
"Mother" offends you.. I have no better name to call you besidebesides calling you Mom...My name is Karen Lucas,. I am the daughter toof Mr. Davidson Lucas, my Father. My father told me you speak Spanish more.. So uI decided to write you in Spanish by using the translator...So please understand that some of my words may not be put rightlycorrectly because of the translator.. My Fatherfather told me your name is Easter, my Dad. My dad has said so many good things about you in all his emailthe emails he sent to me.. My Fatherfather has never speakspoken to me about any woman ever since my Mothermother died and I moved to Cyprus.. MyHe really loves you, and you mean so much to him, he told. He asked me if I amwas okay with him getting married to you.. I have been thinking about it, and I am so happy...I will be coming to Spain after my father returnreturns to Spain... I am looking forward to meetmeeting you, and I am so happy to have you as my mother... And I am happy because I haveget to live with my Fatherfather again... I miss him so much, and I want to be with him before I go to the University.university. I would like to study medicine.. Thank you so much for accepting to be my new Mother.mother. I promise I will be a good girl and be as obedient as your daughter...I have to stop here.. I came to do my assignment in the school cyber cafe.. So, so I decided to write you and my Dad.dad. I look forward to readhearing from you soon..


The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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