i veI've been waiting to write you, finally. imI'm sorry for not writing earlier, but nowdaysnowadays I dontdon't really have time to do anything besides my jobwork.

I really liked the time
what ithat I spent with you buddy! I think we can say that in the three months what iI spent in the ukUK, we had a lot of fun.

iI think my vocabulary got a lot better after the three months. iI can take the advantage of it, because in my job, iI have to use a lot of englishEnglish.

imI'm planning to go to the ukUK next summer too. iI hope that uyou can serveaccommodate to us one more accommodationtime since iI have a friend, whose biggest dream is to live in London. iI would give u the price ofpay for it, of course.

seeSee you next time,

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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