Hello Readers,

Just wanted to welcome y'all to Gospelzcity, a blog that's bent on impacting positive change to the gospel music industry around the globe, music ministers and groups inclusive. Music is an Integralintegral part of the Gospel. I for one from my University days attended church services because of music even though that orientation is under construction if you know what I mean.

They say "charity begins at home" so I guess I've got to begin with Gospel music in Nigeria.

I walked into a church on Sunday morning and standing on the altar with the
micmicrophone was a pretty young lady leading the congregation to worship in songs with so much enthusiasm , but funnyfunnily enough, Sheshe wasn't singing. I'm still having a hard time placing what she was doing under a genre of music. Om theOn second thoughtthoughts I think it was in be betweenbetween singing and talking, but she actually turned out to be the Music Director of the Church. As the worship session progressed I also noticed she couldn'tcould not remain on a particular Keykey but that's a story for another day.
A question popped up in my mind;
Whywhy do Music Ministers overlook the starting point (The Basics)? The question applies to both gospel artistesartists, instrumentalists and Musicmusic producers alike. And funny enough with these set of peeps, Correctioncorrection is like trying to convince a native doctor to come with you to church. That's the mindset we are bent on changing.
True, God looks at the
Heartheart but trust me humans do not see the heart,; what they hear is the voice and instrumentals and will not hesitate to take off when they do not enjoy what they're hearing.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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