1. The story surrounding the lives of Robert Purvis's grandparents, a Jewish American namenamed Barack Judah, and the black slave from Morocco, Dido Badarake. a. Barack Judah, Roberts lowsaw the belief of enslaving African Americans as an appropriate solution for survival among the Jewish community. b. At a tender age, RobertsRobert's grandmother, a native of Morocco, Dido Badaraka, werewas unwillingly introduceintroduced into a life of slavery. c. Throughout the crucial existence of slavery, Barack Judah and Dido Badaraka, engaged in aan intimate relationship.
2. William Purvis, the father of Robert Purvis and his liberal viewpoints on slavery. a. William Purvis
, taught Robert the importance of human perception. b. William Purvis, encourageencouraged young Purvis to teaselearn about slave acts and treatment. c. The lack of black slaves being educated in Charleston motivated William to relocate his sons.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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