My name is Ola. I'm 14, and iI'm in the second class of middle school in Poland. I gowent to Music School yebut, unfortunately, only to the last class of the first degree. I hated to play the instruments, for example: guitar and piano, but I really love to sing. I also love animals, but I think like everyone likes them.

As for appearance
.., I am average heigrowhth, blonde, with blue eyes. I like to dress loosely (jeans and t-shirt) and, of course, I hate dresses. Although I hate pins more.

I lAbove abll, I love atellevision series, movies, and books. AI always like fantasy, but I don't really like other species. So, if you like "Divergent," "The Vampire Diaries," "The 100," or "SKAM" like me, we will find many topics of conversation.

As for
the music.., I really like pop. I know it's popular now, but I just like this kind of music. Last My favorite songs right now are: "Mercy" (Aacoustic) by Shawn Mendes and the redmactike onf "Shape of You" by Conor Maynard and The Vamps "Shape of You."

.., Tthat is all for now. If you have similar hobbies and you also like although some of things of wthat I wrote above, you can also write me back and writell me something about yourself.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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