HIi lLaura,

gGreetings from London, where I'm havisng a very spacial one for my week with my parents. wWe are having a great time here! y

esterday, lwea went to a museum here i amt aOxford uUniversity, in oxfowherd ande there wares a large collection of art. and artifacts from geological excavations thre is. Alsometh ing elsthe a city ofis cCarfax tTower, which is located in the toweers of the university center. aA couple of days later, iI rode the bus , (you know, that big red one). In the evening, iI had hot dogs ian hed desserts, buts not too much. iI perefer rather their desserts, as they are more interesesting and tasty . i

highly recommend that you come to this place.

With greetings and kiss

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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